Sunday, February 14, 2010

1st week Home

Today is Sunday - Valentine's Day. We have been home a little more than 1 week now. Maddie has done very well this week and each day things get a little better for her and us. In my last post we were having some sleeping issues as well as issues with meeting other adults outside of our immediate family. The sleeping issues have resolved themselves and she is sleeping in her own bed (in my room) and is sleeping through the night void of any night terrors. She goes to sleep on her own and wakes up around 8ish. I am thankful that she is a good sleeper - both of my other children were good sleepers (and still are LOL).

We started the week off very slow and limited outside visitors to just immediate family (only my dad) and allowed her a little breathing room to get adjusted and settle into a routine. By the end of the week I was able to go to Keith's office for a couple of hours and Maddie played with her Aunt Suzanne and Ashley (another girl in Keith's office). They entertained her, brought her Chapstick and allowed her to write on paper with pens and highlighters. Something that shocked me was when Suzanne gave Maddie a pair of kiddie scissors and some paper. Maddie immediately took the scissors, put her fingers in the appropriate places and was able to cut paper. I can't remember my other children being coordinated enough to cut with scissors at this age - I could be wrong. I guess I somewhat expected a little development delay with Maddie and I do not see any signs of delay in terms of development. Just a few more examples of what we have witnessed over the last week:
- Keith gave Maddie his Iphone to play with. She quickly found the button to push to bring the main screen up and then ran her finger over the slide button to open the features. When looking at pictures on the iPhone she knows how to flip through the pictures with her finger - how does she know this? My dad doesn't even know how to use the iphone. lol
- Riding in the car and sitting at a Red Light. The light turns green and Maddie from the back seat points at the green light and grunts (as if to tell me "Go, its green).

We also brought her to Christopher's basketball games this week. Tuesday's game was at Washington Marion High School and we sat right below their BAND. She is NOT afraid of loud music - lol - it was definitely LOUD!!!! She sat through 4 1/2 hours of game time and never gave me ANY trouble. She was content with sitting in the stands and pointing out her Bubba on the court. She was an angel. Friday's game she was a little braver and didn't necessarily stick to me like glue but was equally well behaved. I had several different people (friends and family) that joined us at that game and she was very open to connecting with them. She gave kisses freely and even left me and walked to the concession stand with my Uncle.

We have been slowly allowing her to unwrap her Christmas presents. There was no doubt that she knew what to do with a present - she ripped open the paper and made sure all of the paper was off the box before examining the contents of the package. She has loved all of her new toys and they entertain her for hours. Tonight she unwrapped a baby doll that cries and when given a bottle, she makes a sucking noise. She has carefully carried her baby around, feed her and played sweet with her. She is a good mommy. lol We are down to only 2 presents left and she is eyeing them now as I type and wants to open them.

She is continuing to say many more english words. The kids have helped her learn to count, say her ABC's and many other words. They taught her to give "Knuckle bump, high five and thumbs up" and she loves to perform for them. It has been quite entertaining. Maddie has definitely attached to both Christopher and Elizabeth and has a very strong bond with them. They are great with her.

We are still working with her to share with other kids as they come and play. This could be more of an "age" issue rather than an adjustment issue.

We are anxious to see what this week will hold. We can't wait for the weather to get warmer so that we can spend a little time outside with her.

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