Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In Guangzhou

Original Entry posted on January 30, 2010

We made it to Guangzhou finally! After a week in the congestion, smog and dirt of Xi'an it is nice to be here. Guangzhou is much different - clean, safe, minimal traffic and very adoptive family friendly. We are staying at the White Swan Hotel which is amazing. It is located on Sheimen Island and is comparable to Galveston Boardwalk or San Antonio Riverwalk. Although alot of the shops are under construction it is still a much nicer place to be. We can get out of our hotel and walk around and shop. It even has a Subway!!!! We arrived late last night via a 2 hour plane ride. Madelyn did really well overall. She did not like the seat belt and wanted to sit in my lap most of the time. For just being 2 years old she did a great job. The landing was a bit loud which scared her but no other trouble beside that. There are hundreds of adoptive families that arrived in Guangzhou last night, with many different adoption agencies - all seem to be staying at our hotel. Matel (the toy making company) has a sponsored play room here in the hotel and even sent up a special adoption Barbie doll called "Going Home Barbie". Today we had a couple of meetings to complete and prepare documents for our upcoming Medical Visit and Visa Appointment. That was an interesting meeting. There were 9 other families in the room and we are all listening to instructions on how to fill out the paperwork and because the paperwork process has had to be so precise all of us are asking questions like - How do you write the date (1/30/10 or 10 January 2010), How do we sign our name (First Middle and Last or First and Last). It got to be comical! We also had a quick trip to the Medical Clinic for a TB Test and Visa Photo. She was actually ok after the TB test. Keith of course couldn't watch nor was he going to hold her while the nurse administered the test. He couldn't even take pictures - Wimp - lol. She cried for just one minute and then was fine. Although she curled her pointer finger up (of the same arm) and held it that way for some time. It was weird. She is definitely bonding to both of us. Her and Keith are really getting closer each day. He is able to hold her and kiss her without her wiping it off. Today was the first day that she actually kissed me. She has come several times today and held my face with her hands and kissed me and hugged my neck. She giggles so loudly when she plays with us. She is sooooo sweet. She is such a good little girl. She mimicks everything we do. If we take off our shoes she takes off hers. If I put lotion on she has to have some. Every time we go to the bathroom she wants Germ-X for her hands just like her momma (her momma taught her right! LOL) and she has to have chapstick for her lips everytime we put it on. When we are in the hotel room and she goes to potty she has to have all her clothes off with exception of her shirt. Then she will get dressed herself after she is finished. When we are out and about and has to potty - she will go sniff out the bathroom several times. Lizzy used to do this as a little girl - my mom and dad report that I did the same too. It must be a girl thing. lol We have taken such sweet videos of her, I so wish I could share them with you. Unfortunately I can't even email them out. Internet is so slow here and it apparently does not allow for video to move through email. I will definitely share some of the cuter ones with everyone once I get home and can blog on my regular blog. Can't wait to see everyone! This has been such an amazing experience!!!! I can't wait for everyone to meet my amazing little girl!!!

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