Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Waiting..... blindly.....

Today is like every other day although each day is now viewed differently than before this adoption process. I am having more than a difficult day today with waiting. The wait seems endless and yet I think I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. I was able to accomplish something that was positive but it made me all the more sad. Let me explain. In this process, our adoption agency recommends that we put together a family photo album and include photos of ourselves, extended family members, friends, pets and photos of her room/house/yard. I put together a beautiful little pink photo album with some of the best pictures of our family and was even able to include a photo of her finished room that is waiting for her. I also had to include captions of who was in the photo IN CHINESE. This was a fun project as we all got to see how our names looked in chinese. We were also able to include a letter to the orphanage and Madelyn, which we again had to translate. This was definitely out of my realm of capability and had to send the letter to a translator via the internet. I sent the package which included both the photo album and letter today. I hope that she will receive it soon and her caregivers will be diligent about showing her our pictures everyday to prepare her for us. It's great that we can reach out to her this way but I would prefer to skip the wait and be in China with her right now instead of those pictures.

While we wait for China's approval, there is no one we can call, no website we can visit that will provide us any type of information on the status of our file. We just wait.... blindly.....

Although I can say that God has someone in our lives that has a close friend that lives in Shanghai, China that has agreed to reach out to the Orphanage and possibly visit Madelyn and take some pictures for us. I am holding my breath that this endeavor actually comes to fruition. I would love to have some updated photos of her. I will keep you posted and hopefully be posting some new pictures of our little girl soon.

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