Mia has arrived!
Today is Monday and we are quite busy. Sorry for the delay in the post but I
have been so busy and a little overwhelmed with tending to a baby - I must say I
am a little out of practice.
The orphanage director and a couple of employees brought Mia to our hotel to
meet us. They came up to our room to make it easier on her to transition. We
had her toys all laid out and ready to go. She arrived about an hour early to
our surprise. She cried and cried when I took her into my arms. She did settle
down eventually and play with me and the kids. She definitely does not like
Keith just yet - that will come in time. The orphanage director says she likes
to play with her friends and that she loves to be kissed and hugged. As the
afternoon went on we saw a few smiles and more tears. She is so fat - Lizzy
says she has cankles (instead of ankles) she is so fat! She is definitely not
missed any meals. The orphanage staff did tell me that she just recently got
over pnuemonia (about 2 weeks ago) - so I am keeping a close eye on her to
ensure that she stays healthy. She had a good appetite last night and loved to
play in the water at bath time. When I laid her down to sleep in her crib she
cried but only for a moment. She stopped as soon as I started singing and went
fast to sleep in a couple of minutes.
Today is a different story - we have seen less tears and more smiles. She is
definitely bonding to me and calls out for me - MAMA! She only wants me to hold
her and sit with her and play. She is fine while we are in our room playing if
someone sits and plays with her but I can't get to far from her. If we leave I
must carry her -she is not riding in the stroller or letting anyone else hold
her. Only her mama. Today we went and finalized her adoption in china at the
civil affairs office. We met up with the orphanage staff that brought her
yesterday. Upon seeing them she cried and held on tight to me. Sweet baby
We are beginning to see her sassy little personality. She has so many funny
facial expressions. She definitely likes to be kissed and will readily give me
kisses. Mia is quite jealous of me holding Maddie - so there is a bit of a
power struggle between the two girls. At one point in the elevator I was
holding them both. I leaned and gave Maddie a kiss and Mia leaned in, lips
puckered ready for her kiss too. She is so cute.
I spent some quality time with Maddie today as Mia napped. I can see that
although she likes her she definitely does not like her monopolizing mom. We
are working through that as we had expected that to happen.
Lizzy and Lilly have been a big help with everything!!!!
I'll try to post again soon. Pictures to come later today