Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Start of a new School Year

Last week all the kids went back to school.

Christopher began his Senior Year and Lizzy began her Freshman Year. (How fast time flies)

This is Christopher on the first day of 2nd Grade and Lizzy on the first day of PK4, way back when. They were so cute!!!

Maddie started PK3 and has a wonderful teacher this year. She was very excited to get a new backpack, markers and color sheets. She loves to come home and do her homework.

I am praying for all three of my children as they each begin their journeys - all at different places in their lives.
- Christopher's last year in high school and on the brink of becoming an adult. I pray that he finds God's purpose and will in his life. And that he makes good choices, follows his passion and enjoys this last year with friends and teammates.
- Elizabeth's first year in high school and just beginning to find out who she is. I pray that she has discernment, wisdom and courage as she begins this journey. I'm excited for her to experience all the good things that come with High School.
- Maddie - as she is just beginning to learn and explore this wonderful world around her. I pray that she has a wonderful year, full of joy, laughter, learning and love. We are just beginning to witness how bright she is....

Sunday, August 7, 2011

A long awaited post...

I have been holding off on this post for several weeks now until I knew I wouldn't jinx anything. I am so happy to report that after a few tears, much bribery and alot of patience, Maddie is sleeping in her own room in her big bed!!!!! Applause please.

This has been a long journey ... Many failed attempts..... and alot of determination by me!

We have a routine that we do not stray from - bedtime is around 9 pm, I read 2 stories to Maddie, say prayers, rub her back and hugs and kisses. She has been such a big girl about this transition. She is definitely proud of her accomplishment and is happy to announce it to everyone. I think the next move is to remove the toddler bed from my bedroom - Yeah!!!

She is growing up so fast....