Sunday, August 7, 2011

A long awaited post...

I have been holding off on this post for several weeks now until I knew I wouldn't jinx anything. I am so happy to report that after a few tears, much bribery and alot of patience, Maddie is sleeping in her own room in her big bed!!!!! Applause please.

This has been a long journey ... Many failed attempts..... and alot of determination by me!

We have a routine that we do not stray from - bedtime is around 9 pm, I read 2 stories to Maddie, say prayers, rub her back and hugs and kisses. She has been such a big girl about this transition. She is definitely proud of her accomplishment and is happy to announce it to everyone. I think the next move is to remove the toddler bed from my bedroom - Yeah!!!

She is growing up so fast....