Monday, June 23, 2014

Just Thinking....

There are some days when I am just in awe that GOD chose me to be the mommy of my two precious baby girls.  I sometimes wonder why he connected me with them, what is his plan for these girls and what can I do to help them see GOD's plan for them.  I have learned that GOD sometimes chooses people who are just willing to step out in faith, not always the ones that have everything figured out - THAT's ME!

Recently, Maddie is becoming increasingly aware of conversations around her and about her.  Of course, when we go places with the girls we garner the usual stares, sometimes questions but mostly nice people just commenting how precious my girls are.  This past Sunday, while at lunch, we had 4 different people comment on how sweet and precious they were.  Maddie finally looked at me when we were walking out the door and asked -"I wonder why everybody thinks we are so special"
I had to chuckle and as to not call attention to what is so obviously the reason people are commenting - I responded to her (what I have always told her) is that "they see the same thing GOD sees - that you are a special little girl!"

A customer recently came into my Furniture store when Maddie was there and was enamored with her and promptly asked her - "Oh!, You are so cute - where are you from?"  Maddie quickly quipped back - "Louisiana"!  I think her answer left the customer a little taken aback.

Another of Maddie's observations about our family and who she is - The other day she commented that we have a big family to which I agreed.  Her next statement was a window into how her little mind is working out all the details of who she is and how she came to be in this family.  She said - "Mommy if we buy another kid, we will have to get a bigger car because we don't have any room left."

I say all of this to say that I am finding that the older they get the more they are piecing their story together.  As a parent, I want that journey to be one of understanding and peace - for them to be okay with who they are and know that they are special.  I want them to see that GOD had a plan for their life - that they have touched people and families through their story.  What an amazing parenting journey GOD has me on.  When I look at them I not only see their beautiful faces, I see GOD's handwriting all over them.  It's quite amazing!

I love those girls!!!!!

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