Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This year so much has happened that we can be thankful for. This Thanksgiving is a time for us to pause for a moment and give thanks to our Heavenly Father for all the blessings that he has bestowed upon us. We also give special thanks to Him for what's to come in the new year with our adoption of Mia Catherine.

This Thanksgiving feast was a group effort. Everyone, including Maddie had to contribute to the dinner. Christopher baked the Ham, Lizzy made the Carrot Souffle, Keith fried the Turkey, Maddie made the green bean casserole and I made the rice dressing. My parents contributed too with a yummy cornbread dressing and sweet potato casserole. It was so nice to have all my children in the kitchen, cooking, laughing, talking and having a great time.

This year we did something new and hopefully started a new tradition. My mother brought over a "thankful jar" filled with coins (that we will eventually donate to a charity). Each of us had to add slips of paper of what we are each thankful for. The pink papers filled the jar.

Lizzy helped write down what Maddie was thankful for. Hopefully you can see in the below picture what she was thankful for. Grass, Noodles, Ice Packs, her family, etc ranked pretty high on her list.

Here are some things that I am thankful for:

- Each one of my children - Christopher, Elizabeth, Madelyn and Mia. They are all special and GOD has blessed each with their own gifts.
- My wonderful Husband and best friend. 20 years together, a few bumps along the way but still going strong
- For the continued health of my parents. I love having them part of my life and am very blessed to have them building a house across the street from me!
- My wonderful and supportive family
- For my wonderful friends who each add so much to my life.
- For forgiveness
- For GOD giving me situations in my life that make me better and help me grow into the person HE wants me to be.

- OH and I forgot to mention - I am thankful for our I-797 approval, which completes our Dossier. Our dossier has been sent to our adoption agency and we should have a Log In Date soon. THEN... we are on our way to Travel Approval.

I hope that each of you had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

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