Thursday, July 22, 2010


Here lately we have noticed that Maddie's personality has blossomed so much. She is quite the entertainer. She brings much laughter to our household and hours of entertainment.

A funny story: We went as a family to eat at a local Mexican Restaurant. The restaurant is quite small and we are regular customers. This particular night we were 1 of only 3 families dining there. After we got our food, Maddie announced that she needed to potty and wanted Keith to take her. Once he put on the potty she announced that she needed to poo-poo and wanted him to leave her alone. He propped the door open and returned to the table. Maddie proceeded to sing LOUDLY while on the potty. She eventually finished and HOLLERED "DADDY" over and over until he appeared. We were laughing so hard we were almost in tears. She strutted out of the bathroom and proudly announced - "I poo-poo'd Momma!" These are the memories that need to be documented so we can tell her all about them when she grows up.

Another example is the video attached. She LOVES to dance and was entertaining all of us. Enjoy - as we get to everyday!!!


  1. Oh my goodness she is so so cute!!!

    I know you guys are really enjoying her.


  2. She has got the moves! Too cute!!
