Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

This Mother's Day was unlike any other I have ever experienced. It was filled with emotions at both end of the spectrums - joy and sadness.
I was able to enjoy the day with my mother - expressing how much I love and need her in my life. And for the first time in a long time have her reciprocate and participate in the days activities.

I also enjoyed every moment with my children - all 3 precious individuals whom I love more than life itself. What a wonderful GIFT GOD has given me - allowing me to be a mother to my 3 beautiful children. Having all 3 children with me this Mother's Day filled my heart with joy! We started the day with a wonderful church service where Maddie was behaved for the entire service and my mother only cried once during the singing of "Hail Mary/Gentle Woman". My sister's family and my Aunt and Uncle joined us for a wonderfully prepared lunch at a local homestyle restaurant - no one had to cook or clean today. We finished the day with 3 games of bowling at the local bowling alley. It was quite comical, as always with my son trying trick moves to try and make a strike. This was Maddie's first experience with bowling and of course she LOVED it. She is so pleasant to be with and is up for anything we do.

Then comes the part of Mother's day that was filled with sadness. We buried my 6 day old niece today. It was Keith's brother's 1st child. To see the anguish and sorrow on that mother's face - To hear her cries to GOD of "Why". It was more than my heart could bear. It is so hard to make sense of such a tragedy to any family. I have prayed for Keith's brother and his wife all day - that they may find comfort in the Lord. What a difficult day for that Mother and for me to even see a glimpse of that kind of pain and sorrow.

I am also reflecting on that mother in China and what her thoughts are today. I wonder how is she feeling, is she thinking of that sweet baby she so unselfishly gave up for a better life. I pray that she knows that her little girl is loved, happy, and healthy - and has a family that is not only grateful for the wonderful blessing of joy Maddie brings to our life but grateful to her for allowing us the opportunity to be a part of Maddie's life.

I am soaking up the last little moments of today - of Mother's Day - of a day that celebrates the greatest gift of all - that little thing that gives me purpose in this life. I am so thankful that I am a MOM.

As I am typing my children are cleaning the kitchen for me - I love this day!

I hope all you Moms had a GREAT MOTHER'S DAY!

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