Friday, October 9, 2015

A legacy…..

My blog is normally a place where I journal about my kids but even though I have not posted in quite a while I felt the need to write about an amazing experience I had today.  In a setting that is normally reserved for tears and mourning (although that did occur) we celebrated the life of my Uncle Bobby Breaux as he left this earth for bigger and better things.  He was the 5th child out of 7 that my grandmother had.  He was raised without a father and very poor.  Knowing my grandmother the way I did, he was the closest in personality to her of all her children (she was an amazing soul - but that is for another post).  My Uncle Bobby accomplished many things in his lifetime, but one thing stood out today as we looked back over the 78 years he was on this earth - He committed his life to being a good son, brother, husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather and uncle to our family.

In today's society we see the perpetual decline of standards, morals and values.  The sanctity of family is lost to many of our upcoming generations.  My Uncle was not one that walked with the grain.  He was a strong Family man, one that committed himself to loving his wife and raising his children in an intact family.  He committed himself to being a champion for his children, no matter their choices or circumstances.  He loved each one unconditionally.  As his children grew and grandchildren came into his life, that same philosophy rang true for each of them, as well as for his sister and brothers, nieces and nephews.

I witnessed each of his 5 grandchildren eloquently speak about their grandfather.  A man who championed each one, was their constant cheerleader to the them and about them to the family.  He encouraged them and was there with them helping as he could each step of the way on their journey of life.  He was a man that valued education, although he was born of a mother who had little more than an 8th grade education.  He encouraged his children and grandchildren to be educated, to make a difference and to be the best person they could be.  He spent quality time with each and every one of his loved ones.  He valued his connection with his family and never took for granted one moment in his family's lives.  The common thread in all of their speeches today, was that he reminded them to never forget about your family - that IT is the most important thing.  That is the legacy he leaves this world - a legacy of strong family values.

How refreshing in this day to find a man who still valued family.  A man who did not take for granted the moments with family (that are seemingly unimportant in the grand scheme of every day life) but are the abundance of life, and he knew it, he lived it.  My grandmother valued those same things and as the old saying goes, the apple did not fall very far from the tree.

Tonight as all of my kids are under my roof  and I hear the littles playing with the big kids, I know that I am blessed.  Blessed beyond belief to have a loving extended family of cousins, aunts, uncles, a wonderful mom and dad that I could not live without, an amazingly supportive sister and 4 beautiful and amazing children who add joy to every moment in my life.  I wouldn't give up one moment with my family for anything in the world.  I'm proud to be a part of this amazing legacy called the Breaux family…  I pray for my cousins as they grieve the loss of a wonderful man.  I know I will see him in heaven again one day - what is bound together on earth is bound in heaven…..

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