Friday, February 18, 2011

Build A Bear

When Lizzy was a little girl about 8 years old I took her to Build A Bear in Houston and she got a cute little dog, complete with a bed and some girlie clothes. She named the dog "Summer". She still sleeps with Summer and even brings her to camp with her each year.

Maddie loves Lizzy's Summer. Lizzy refuses to share Summer with Maddie. We have been trying to transition Maddie into her own bed upstairs and thought a Build A Bear would be a nice reward for this accomplishment.

We tried for a week and it didn't go as I had hoped. She managed about 3 1/2 nights in her bed alone. After that, it was a disaster. However, we were successful in getting her out of our bed and into her little bed (pallet) on the floor in my room. For this Maddie gets a Build A Bear.

We took her to Build A Bear and allowed her to pick anyone of the 12-14 choices of Build A Bears. They were all different colors and animals. Maddie, of course, chose the dog that looks most like Lizzy's Summer. She didn't quite appreciate the whole experience but she had fun going through and building her dog - which she named - you guessed it - Summer.

Maybe one day - she'll sleep in her bed - in her room. Maybe...... It was fun family day anyway.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet little Maddie sure deserves that bear!!! Hope she enjoys it:)

    Love you guys!
